Experience Holden Beach
Luxury camping in the coastal NC woods. Check out: HoldenBeachGlamping.com for more details.
Tent Camping
First time tent camping package. Everything you need to go camping. Use one of our tents and enjoy a great inexpensive family weekend experience.
join us for some goOD TIMES!
Like & Follow our Facebook page for most up to date event information. www.facebook.com/HBRVHappyCamper
The Beach Bus
Experience breathtaking views of Holden Beach as you cross the bridge to the Island in the FREE Tiki Trolley beach shuttle. No worries about traffic or parking, just you enjoying your trip to the beach. This is a free service for HBRV Happy Campers.
Campground Stops
Holden Beach - Mermaids Restaurant - Public Beach Access
Fantasy Island - Mini Golf
Beaches & Cream Ice Cream
The shuttle departs from HBRV at 10:00, 12:00, 2:00 and 4:00. Confirm schedule for that day with the Camp Store.